Religion, Ethics, and Social Transformation: Contemporary Approaches

Religion, Ethics, and Social Transformation: Contemporary Approaches

Emine Öztürk

We named this work "RELIGION, ETHICS, AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION: CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES". Because this study is truly a handbook that includes many topics from religion to morality, moral philosophy, societies' perspectives on the other, how the state and definitions of illness and health in nature and the West have transformed from the past to the present, the general attitude of Islam and Islamic civilization regarding the pandemic processes experienced worldwide and how this attitude has been shaped throughout the historical process, up to and including treatment with music, the history of women's rights in Turkey, how domestic violence has been structuralized sociologically, how the primary goals of young people in life are shaped in terms of daily life sociology, what needs to be institutionalized, and the perspectives of Anatolian teacher training high school students on the teaching profession.

Konular Religion Ethics Social Transformation



Tür Akademik Kitap
ISBN 978-625-6148-13-0
E-ISBN 978-625-6148-14-7
Yayıncı TESAM Yayınları
Yayın Tarihi 25.12.2024


TESAM Yayınlarının temel amacı yayınladığı konularda hem bilimsel çalışmalar için akademik zemin hazırlamak, hem de söz konusu görüşlerin paylaşılmasını sağlayarak yeni açılımlar yaratmaktır.